Thursday, February 16, 2012

More adventures with Gal!

Really enjoying Little 'Gal' today. I started working on basics for trick doggin' with her and I'm just so excited about how she responds to training. She loves people and other dogs as well. We are fortunate that we get lots of 'other dog' visitors here at out place. My friends like to think of it as our private dog park. 2.5 acres of Aussie heaven. She is learning to spin left and twirl right. ...I use spin and twirl to differentiate between the directions. We do puppy push ups (sit, down, stand, down, sit) so that she can learn to sit from the down, down from the stand and so forth. A dog doesn't really know 'sit' unless he can do it from any position.

Gal is starting to outgrow the anxiety piddling that she does when someone touches her. Something that all the girls in her litter were afflicted with. Some female puppies and occasionally male puppies get so excited when they are touched that they just can't 'hold it'. Her auntie outgrew it at around 4 months so I'm hoping that she will be over this really soon. My solution is that I just do most of her petting outside so that if she piddles it doesn't really matter. Also, if you have to or want to pet them or touch them inside, just make sure that you don't get her excited before you pet her. You can also encourage her to sit up like a coyote howling before you touch her by luring her with your hands or a piece of food. If she is in a confident position like that she is less likely to 'let go' and piddle on your floor. The main thing is to NOT scold her. Remember that she can't help it and actually if you scold her it will get worse because you will increase the excitement and anxiety.


Hope you are taking time to enjoy your puppy/dog and remember to keep things as positive as possible. If you want your dog to learn tricks easily, try not so fuss at her if she isn't doing what you want. She doesn't understand so if you think about it, it's not really fair to make her feel bad for something she didn't know was 'wrong'. Being positive helps your dog to feel free to try new things when you are trying to elicit a new behavior. Raising a puppy is not all fun and games and when I tell people to make a lot of rules it is sometimes interpreted as be stern. That isn't what I mean by having a lot of rules. I mean help her to understand that if you want 'this', you have to do 'this' first. That's the way dogs learn best.

Happy training!

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About Me

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As long as I can remember there has been a special dog in my life. There have been times when the only thing I can remember about life is how it seemed in relation to my dog/s. I used to walk miles with my German Shepherd Dog, Princess, who my cousins found in a canyon in Southern California. I never knew how she would influence my life and through me the lives of others. I thank God for his gift and for my mentors at the Brevard County Dog Training Club and all the others who have influenced my life and encouraged me through dogs! Dogs are not my whole life but they are a very special part! I thank my family for encouraging me to persue this passion! I am a dog inthusiast who occasionally has a litter of dogs to place. I am not a professional breeder so we only have a few pups a year to place if any at all. Thanks for sharing interest in our dogs!
